When Should You Treat Peyronie’s with the Priapus Shot® Procedure…Early, After Onset, or Later?

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I’m an ENT doctor but in this case a urology pt with recent-onset (noticed 2-3 weeks ago) Peyronie’s. My urologist ______ in ______ gave me your flier about the Priapus Shot® treatment.

(1) Does your Rx address the plaques?

(2) Does it stop or reverse the Peyronie’s process?

(3) Is it better to treat early (now) or wait 8-10 months when the plaques stabilize?

Thank you.


(1) Yes! Research shows a decrease in plaque size.

(2) If you mean, does the Priapus Shot® procedure help the curvature? Yes, in most men.  If you mean, does it permanently reverse the underlying process so the curvature never recurs…then probably in some. To further elaborate with some data, we did the following research with lichen sclerosis (also thought to be an autoimmune process, like Peyronie’s), showing that our process with the O-Shot® procedure decreased inflammation according to 2 blinded dermatopathologists–indicating that somehow the procedure down-regulates the autoimmune response.  There are other papers showing this downregulation of the autoimmune process by PRP.

Further, as to permanence, our provider group has seen women who see a recurrence of their lichen at 1 year out, a few who are not helped at all, and many who are still well at 3-4 years post procedure. How these data will relate to Peyronie’s disease remains to be seen but we expect a similar spectrum.

3) DEFINITELY  better to treat early before the scar tissue matures. I saw Dr. Virag lecture in Venice this past summer when we shared the podium and he will soon publish data showing that using PRP is more effective and safer than Xiaflex. Depending on how you look at the data, Xiaflex has a 1 in 50 to 1 in 100 risks of fracture/impotence post procedure. The Priapus Shot® procedure has associated with it the probable side effect of an improvement in erection quality by around 5 – 7 on the 25 point scale commonly used.

Best regards,

Charles Runels, MD